Extract from the latest Environment agency report titled, Strategy proposals for the next decade for Waltham Abbey (Epping Forest District, Essex) Cobbins Brook.
The Risk from Flooding:
Before a new flood risk management scheme was put in place, an estimated 301 properties were at risk from fluvial flooding during a 1% annual probability event as well as the M25 motorway. The new flood alleviation scheme completed in 2010, raised the Standard of Protection for all properties along Cobbins Brook through Waltham Abbey to a minimum of 2% with all but 11 properties having a 1.3% SoP. An estimated 45 properties remain at risk in a 1% annual probability event that would exceed the capacity of the current defences.
Recommended Structural Measures:
We have constructed a new flood alleviation scheme consisting of upstream floodwater storage in agriculural land near Upshire.We are not planning further new structural measures along the Cobbins Brook in the medium term, although further measures in Waltham Abbey maybe viable in response to climate change in the longer term. Individual property level protection could be fitted to any remaining properties which flood to a depth of less than 0.75m.
Recommended maintenance:
It is critical to maintain the existing flood storage area, including safe access to them for maintenance. We also recommemd the maintenance of the channel to ensure that the standard of protection is maintained.
Recommeded non-structural:
Development proposals should comply with current planning policy on development and flood risk to ensure that safe flood risk is not increased and, where possible, reduces flood risk overall. We will continue to operate and maintain our flood warrning service.
Implementing the recommendations:
our key partners in delivering the flood storage area were Epping Forest District Council and Essex County Council ( as Lead Local Flood Authority). Development proposals should comply with current planning policy on development and flood risk to ensure flood risk is not increased and, where possible reduces flood risk overall.
Looking to the Future:
If current predictions for climate change are borne out, there maybe an increased flood risk in Waltham Abbey even with the new flood storage area in place. We anticipate this could be addressed by raising the height of the river wall through the town, and we plan to periodically review the strategy in future years to determine if this is justified.
WARA is concerned over the current and future known proposals to develop land in the Pick Hill area where these sites are situated within the flood plain of Cobbins Brook.